Saturday, August 4, 2007

NZ Nanny State

We bring it on ourselves.

New Zealand is in danger of being a nanny state with yet another government intervention on our civil liberties.
A electronic register on all school students.
New Zealands fathers and forefathers fought in two world wars for the sake of our freedom. Now we are abusing that freedom that they fought so hard and died for. Today bit by bit the labour government is taken that freedom from us with legislation. Why because with freedom comes responsibility. The responsibility to care for your family for each other for our rights to work vote in a free democracy. These are personal responsibilities that go with freedom. We as a society and the government seem to have forgotten this. When the government passes legislation that gives parts of our society more personal rights and freedoms. The government forgets to legislate or point out that with that freedom comes personal responsibility. Without the responsibility that freedom is open to abuse, and will be lost. And is that not what is happening in our society today. All freedom and no responsibility. Our laws our children ourselves. Is this not why the government is now stepping in and taken over our freedom and rights. Because we ourselves are not being personally responsible. Look at any other country in the world that is dictated to or are fully government controlled, the people of that country have no freedom, no rights no free speech and no true democracy. Is that what we want, because thats where we are heading. And it is definitively not what our forefathers fought and died for.

Rusty Kane NZ